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Saturday, November 29, 2008
mui hates everione. everionexXxXx :(((((!!!!

may all the "I hate..." statements go away. i can't stand the angst within me either. please, take everything away!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008
If you have not seen me for quite sometime...

just a quick update for the very busy me/you that i have been... *inhale DEEPLY* workingasapromoter,aconferencehelper,tutor, andibanklikenotomorrowforonlineshopping,spreesandmoresprees, endingupwithalotofshortdresseswhichicantwearandidontknowwhattodowiththem, andgoogleing,foruming,phinging,ebayingforanewphone'cosseriously,icantstandmyuglysilverchunkyphone, andyes,soihavechangedmyphonetoasexyV9,whichisoflousy2megapixel;makingmeanon-camwhore, andseenwuzunwhoisthehandsome-estguyeveralive,andyes,hewavedatmekae,thatwastotalcheapthrill, andcaughtMADAGASCAR2whichmademego ILIKETOMOVEITMOVEIT,HELIKETOMOVEITMOVEIT,SHELIKETOMOVEITMOVEIT,YOULIKETOMOVEIT!andofcos,iamstillwaitingforTWILIGHT,thoughithinkrobertpattisonisquitearetard, asseeninhisrecentinterviews,andihavecutdownonvirtualstalking'cossomethingisbreakingmyheart,
whichishantblabberhere,andifyouarestillfollowingtillhere,ithinkyoushouldsmsmetoletmeknow, sothaticanthankyouforyourconcern,andthenicanentertainyoufurther'cosithinkyouareprettybored.

I swear I said those above all in one breath. Love you, whoever needs love.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
No good, not good. You don't seem to be able to appreciate what you have in your hands.

Can things be ever good enough for you?

Be contented, you horrible greedy creature. -glare!-

Friday, November 21, 2008

Not in Singapore though :/

See, life is full of :/s. (Haha!)

Thursday, November 20, 2008
After all, I have a high tolerance for pain.

But, still, I need guide in Emotion Management. Anyone?

So tired. :/

Monday, November 17, 2008
Like being completely drenched from the downpour is never enough, I have to be struck by a bolt of lightning too. Combo hits.

I am rubbing my fat nose off. Me hate Runny nose. And yeah, I am struck by sudden stiff neck. VERY PAIN! urrrrggeeeeeeeeee~

Friday, November 14, 2008
Well, somebody lied again. Not to me, but, I am in context. *shrugs*

I am sick. It feels extremely cold, weak and very weak this time. May the yellow pill do some miracle. I am not prepared to fall.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Oh well, I have zero luck with UOL. They sent me the wrong study guide again.

So, I have 2 Financial Reporting guides to burn and drink for my 3rd year. Anyone need extra copy?

I am starting to think that my unfortunate events are amusing. :/

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

'cos i dont know wheres everyone anymore.

Sunday, November 09, 2008
I have been OTAKU-fied. You can flood me with hundreds of synonyms of lonesome; all describe my life perfectly well.

I am so bored that I am playing dress-up doll game with my Taiko-baby.

ever-ready-to-zao-sai, jack sparrow♥, rocked micheal phelps

Just some pictures to colour this space, and I shall do some outdated updates... soon.

Ohya... did I tell you that I really adore HALLOWEEN? *twist*

Monday, November 03, 2008
The Disappearance

The loss of appetite is the most upsetting of all. Gone were the day when I could wolf down LOTSSSSSSSSSS of edible stuffs, with my double chin wobbling. Wells, my double chin is still creating turbulence, though I am in such ultimatelousy appetite. Last check, I merely swallowed food for dinner on entire saturday and sunday.

No more obscene desires for sinful food.

It must be pure laziness or depression. I don't even know what hitted me this time round.

Conclusion: I derive most happiness from food. Now that my appetite is gone, everything is sinking in... urrrrrggggggeeeeeeee.

The Spinster
Got sick of colours. :(

The Talkings

The Clickings

The Friends
wenbin jacelyn cindy shuheng huiwen calista celestine vivien alan cheehui evelyn caleb tengyong

The Past
200612 200701 200702 200703 200704 200705 200706 200707 200708 200709 200710 200711 200712 200801 200802 200803 200804 200805 200806 200807 200808 200809 200810 200811 200812 200901 200902

The Credits
.fourth!Romance is the designer.
Inspiration from Exuvalia and mintypeach.