Dearest 2008
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
2008, you are still left with 7hours and 11minutes.
You didn't start off great, and not anywhere near. A few minutes after you declared the following 365days to be yours, you arranged to me to meet up with this guy whom I later spent 1/12 of you to hangout/phonecall/forget this particular someone. That was
Thankfully, you were extremely non-exciting during
March and
April. Days were spent counting down to prelims, dreading prelims, procrastinating, (apparently the studying part was missing as a whole), and lastly, kena killed by prelims. (屮゚Д゚)屮!
There came my favourite month, which turned out to be not-so favourited.
Y. But still, I had a blessed birthday. Thank you, friends. (:
I guess I loved you best at
June. There was zero studies and work commitment. Holiday to BKK was checked off from my list of TO-DOs. Heh heh heh.
However, it is a known fact; Happiness doesn't last. I was sucked back to reality and workaholism began.
July and
August were... empty and that was depressing.
You took me on a roller-coaster ride in
September. I was apparently brought to the peak of my ultimate suayness. Then, there was a chain of amusing unfortunates but after all woo-has and whatnots, the month ended greeeeeat; I'd got pretty cool results. Ohya, Twilight came into my life then too. Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
It hitted me bad when I realised I had only one-quarter of you left, 2008. But instead of looking forward, I took a wrong turn by looking back; I missed
120504. I swallowed salty tears and went ahead to delete the years of memories.
October, I didn't like this part of you too...
I guess I am best being back as Miss Practical, looking things as matter-of-fact. I-bloody-regret-!!!-incidents were greatly cutdown and I am really glad about it.
November and
December were spent peacefully with self.
You didn't turn out to be that bad afterall, except pretty wasted. I could have done alot more, like accumulating good karmas, opening of mind to experience more, keeping friends closer to heart... You know, I am tired of seeing of all the missed opportunity. Like you (2008), no one and nothing waits for me.
I am not going to end this year with a bang. Just going to spend the last few moments alone, hopefully with a cup of hot non-atas coffee and my '09 organiser. Because I know I need to plan my following 365 days much better.
2008 was a year about understanding of self, discovering what I really want/ want to be/ want to be remembered by people, learning to pick myself up from falls, growing up. I think I really appreciate what time has taught me. But wells, it never waits.
Good Bye, 2008!
A full bloom (sick) irritant
Friday, December 26, 2008
A few days ago...
I was really really really sick.
That didn't make me any bit pitiful, likable, or rather submissively nice. (You know, like weak people always have this kindof aura of being
submissively nice...) Instead, I irks everyone when I am sick.
Everything doesn't make sense when I am sick. The ZOMG-senseless thing is why do I have to go and see a doctor? Yes, keywords are 'go and see'! Beyond these 3 pathetic words, they meant... waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaiTwaITwAITWAITWAIT
Of cos, I knew I had to see a doctor then, 'cos self medication didn't work and I was running a temperature. At this point of time, I wouldn't not even care if you offer $50 for me to fake a smile. I felt really horrible. I had to see a doctor. So, the wait began...
First, the lift. It took bloody long to reach, that few seconds just draaaaaaaagggg... I didn't even have the strength to push the lift button impatiently repeatedly, not that it is going to help, but I can't even express my impatience! Ok, so very-sick people HAVE to wait for lift, and CANNOT express impatience. Next, the walk to the clinic. I took bloody long to walk, my steps grew increasingly slow and weak that I can't even stand it! Ok, so very-sick people HAVE to travel on feet at very lousy speed. Lastly, the most unbearable of all, the bloody wait at the clinic!
The doctor took at least 10 minutes for every patient. If you think that sounds reasonable... do some maths. This will mean only 6 (max) in one hour. So, imagine you are the 7th, you have to wait for 1 hour (=60 minutes=360 seconds, remember how I cursed the stupid lift for taking that few seconds to reach me?). Anyway, I was "9" for my queue, but only waited through about 4 people, and they didn't look any bit sick, that made me terribly sore. Throughout the horrendous wait, I chanted this very-bad line... "我要死了.我要死了.我要死了.我要死了.我要死了.我要死了.我要死了.我要死了..." depressingly. Slowly, all the not-quite-sick/quite-sick/never-very-sick strangers started to sit all away from me, that made me a little happier. Ohya, my mum gave up correcting me and let me be that full-bloom irritant.
"我要死了.我要死了.我要死了.我要死了.我要死了.我要死了.我要死了.我要死了..." and so I continued.
Finally, it was my turn! This should feel like winning TOTO, but I was too pissed at the VERY-SLOW doctor. I planned to demand some sort of explainations from Dr. Slow and tell him how important it is for him to be faster, so he can cure more 要死了-patients like me. Just when the very-nasty me opened the door, I put all my thoughts away, I just need him to save me! As expected, he said my conditions were critical but I was really not anywhere near dying. Horror of all horrors, my consultation only took less than 3 minutes! whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Feeling very sore about that, I sat there in daze for a few seconds to think of weird questions to ask. "Are you sure 我真的不会死了?"
Told you, my fever was really high.
Twilight (The Movie)
Monday, December 15, 2008
(i've watched it, i've watched it, i've watched it!)

The movie was pretty awesome. But, was it as good as the book? Definitely, no. But again, it is really quite a kick to see some scenes coming very-alive. Edward's smiles and voice dazzle (hello, Twilight lingo kae!) madly.
The movie ended up very choppy for me; details were seriously missing. But, I can't think how it could have been any better! The cast, the places the movie was shot, the main plot... all followed close enough to the story. Those who quite-like the movie should really read the book. (gee. i can't help but to drag people in...) Think - happenings MORE, explainations to reactions MORE, development of other characters MORE, romance more more MORE.
These scenes were soooo goooood... (self note)
entrance of the Cullen family, the very first time Edward spoke, confrontation (that is if you know what this scene is... it is better than the book!), Edward in sunglass.
I feel so sorry for the romance-junkie binx. I laughed (or rather snicker) so much during the movie, especially during scenes she really liked. Just the very mismatch of POVs. Hoho. I find all the cheesy-ness amusing, yet nice at the same time. (: Like...
Forever Begins Now

i have no idea how i picked up this book so nonchalantly. Stephenie Meyer is so amazing. for the very-down-to-earth-me, i don't think i can let go of this very-unrealistic novel that easily.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
She would have love, and friendship, and family—an enviable human future. But she chooses Edward over all of this. This makes it real for me; their love.
It depicts an almost-true Forever, a definition of infinity and all. Breathtakingly beautiful.

(coming real real soon!)
ps. i can't wait to see the meadow scene. ah ah ah!
Artificial preference
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
I am very sure I can kill someone with my hair now. It smelt of some deadly-poisonous-arrr-mooo-niaaaa.
-face turn purple-On a lighter note, I have touched up my unsightly black roots, dyed it natural dark brown. (few days ago kae! but the awful smell just won't go away. >=/)
I insist of using all artificials to enhance natural look. Haha. I don't know what's my problem. That's me.
That's Gender Discrimination
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Tanned Asian Chick has 1000+ friends, and 155 albums of photos on her FB! That's really inspiring...
Miss Taehhhhhhhhh~~~ is totally amazing! I have no idea how many friends she has, BUT she has 9 mutual friends with me; none is F for gender. Yeah, not even befriending Tanned Asian Chick.
Just like I can never figure out how to fix a rubix cube, I don't understand this too. -
Losing grip
Friday, December 05, 2008
crazy days...
thirstday: SITEX
frightday: SITEX
shatterday: SITEX
sadday: SITEX
moanday: lecture, work, daddy's birthday dinner
tearsday: lecture, work, tuition
wasteday: lecture, work, tuition
thirstday: work, hw's birthday dinner
frightday: lecture, work, tuition
foreign talents scared the shit outta me during lectures. they made me feel ultimate stupid, ultimate ignorant, ultimate myopic; a pure breed bimbo. I swear I am going to study this sadday, or I am a
wu gui- round and ugly! grrrrrrr!