Friday, May 30, 2008
hi. i am here to declare that i have the weirdest, or maybe the random-est tutee. a few days ago, we finished a session and watched a bit of the 9pm channel8 show. the scene started with Elvin Ng in the hospital... and my tutee just said "oh, he gotten parkinson's disease." he said it like it is the most natural thing on earth. i was like so confused and we ended up exchanging at least 10 lines with "PARKINSON'S DISEASE?!". his even-younger brother at one side was left totally clueless and pretty disturbed.
till now, i still have no idea why he chose "parkinson's disease".
why sia?
hairkneeway. something nice came in mail... a few days ago! (ok, my transfer phone->comp isnt working. so yep, no pictures for that.) basically, there is nothing much to expect from mail. because i havent been shopping online, all i know will come are BILLS. but nah, it is a card from my dearest friend all the way from canada(((: the card is really full of words. very touching, and yep, nostalgic too. cheers~
i miss my friends!

i still think friendship is amazing. (っ゚∀゚)っ
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

wellssssssss. im feeling pretty detached from the outside world. be it in reality or virtual. have not stepped out of the house for days... and i am really lazy to do so. i have like at least 10 things to do before i can go and face the cold hard cruel world.
1. bath
2. 3-steps-routine to save my zomg face
3. ransack wardrobe (which has pretty much the same clothes)
4. decide to wear the first set, after trying out ten
6. blow dry my hair
7. tie, untie, clip, unclip, decide that messy hair suit me the best
8. hunt for accessories (everywhere!)
9. spray whatever and whereever i want
10. omg... WHICH BAG?
11. arrrrrrr... WHERES MY KEYS? i need to get out of my house
12. ok. im out! :D
13. sheesh. WHERES MY PHONE? i need to text my friends that "v sorry. will be late:("
hah. of cos the above is very exaggerated. (if you believe so)
so... i have been at home. should have been studying for my last paper, which is coming and ending in ard 4 days. i still remember i was L-O-L-ing when i had like 16 days to study for it. but now... (っ´Д`)っ things dont look good! i still cant remember the case laws.
and partly because i am very distracted. by the internet? nah, ive quitted blog stalkerism. because, my computer is going bonkers. because, my fellow accompanists-in-crime are doing ALOT better! because, i find Wentworth Miller zillion times hotter than anybody on earth. yep, im watching Prison Break 3. he looks so good and so suitable to be kept within the fence. haha. but yep, i have managed to ascertain self control and stopped at episode 4, which is on par with channel 5, okay?!
i am so glad that i am still able to go tudou, crunchyroll, imeem, despite not being able to enter HOTMAIL, friendster, facebook and photobucket. see, im really detached from virtual world too. BLAH! i have a love and hate relationship with technology too.
Monday, May 26, 2008

had a really beautiful birthday this year. because i have family who still dote alot on this qian-jin-wannabe. because i have friends who still remember, who still insist birthday card is a must, who still bother to check out my address and surprise me at my doorstep, who make the effort to plan for the night of celebration, who take note and know all my favourites; presents, cakes, flowers. all in all, i am really thankful for the company. cheers for the friendship!
birthday feels like personalised christmas. you are allowed to wish, to hope... by not saying aloud.
some days ago,
"... i almost forgot today's date. one whole year ago, she was bawling her eyes out for she had let go of the dependency, the memories, the years' of efforts, the habit, her beliefs, of what seemed almost everything to her. the crying was mad. and really painful...
... tonight, i remember quite alot. i cant believe it still feels... quite the same.
... at least, you are happy...
... i cant care anymore..."
yesterday, he looks and feels the same. the same old him. but i feel different, i know ive changed.
things had happened so long ago and they arent meant to change. i know my limits.
(and again, i tried to contact you, but you just aint there.)
today, sorry about the half-truth that "... e morning rain is so good to sleep in~". i must be retard or what. i started weeping out loud out of the sudden and i couldnt stop. i feel too weak to get out of house now.
and i start to think, what am i to do in life? everything feels too heavy to move on.
Monday, May 19, 2008

urhuh. been spending many many days at the national library with these people. (including Datuk's daughter, uncle sim, very senior chiang, billy, holy and chiafy) it is a love and hate thing to be there.
blarh. still 14 days to my next and last paper. obviously, im getting very (very) complacent.
will start revision soon. hmph!
anyway, ive missed out sth; shing has POL too. long lived curly hair guy.
Monday, May 12, 2008
(っ´Д`)っ i swear this is the worst period in my life!
ogay. perhaps just this year. how can i underestimate how life gonna suck even more.
messy hair, very bad skin, short (colourless) nails, and i feel stupid, yes, s t u p i d. statisticshit was really statisticshit. haha. so that equates to maths>99 for a better overall grade. i dont know how the very bad skin made a comeback. i never thought that stress (and maybe lack of sleep) can make such a ugly scene.
worse, moolah-less too.
worse-est, fat too.
ultimate depressing. 小姐
♥ said you live 3 minutes shorter when you let out a sigh. i could i easily clock 1 hour per day by making 20 loooooong sorrowful sighs. so that means dying 365 hours earlier each year... 15 days...
yes, d e p r e s s i n g
Thursday, May 08, 2008
i am feeling thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat bad.
reasons: econs was kindof crapshits, i still have papers to go, end of exam is still 25 days to go, statisticshit is 16 hours later, journey to east and west again, i wont be seeing you anymore, handphone becomes a piece of lousy wood.
i feel so depressed. i just want something really simple and easy actually. enough to cheer me up. though it would mean nothing at all. what happened again?
=( =( =(
Monday, May 05, 2008
Thursday, May 01, 2008
>:( + @.@
angry and confused
guessing game isnt fun. especially when you know exactly how it is supposed to be played.