Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I AM ONLINE! :D :D :D touching the mouse, moving the cursor, tapping the keys away... typing (nonsensical) stuffs here! i have been living my life as a cavewoman again la! no virtual stalking, no sending funnyshits emoticons. no online shopping, no watching videos from
small screen. just because i have no chance to use the computer.
something more stupid now. i found something funny but i cant find anyone to share with! just because there are only 25 contacts on my msn, and only 4 are 'online' (1 busy, 1 away, 2 really online). so sorry, but i think that 2 pathetic souls wouldnt appreciate my humour. i feel like a primary 2 who has only 25 friends.
:( :( :(
yea... i had all my msn contacts deleted! God knows who did that or how it happened. so DEAR FRIENDS, please private message me a "hello!" so i can add you back. regardless im online or not... MSN MEEE!!!
anyway, this is the funny thing!
>>>HAHAHA<<<exams in 8 days. i think this is some funnyshits too. BLAAAAH.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
the concert was wayyy better than the previous. good choice of songs. (all my favourites!) stage. planning. 3 + hours seem really short! superbbb~~~
shall do a better update next time. (i took many pictures of the big stage and small 五月天-s) now im trying to find out whats the problem with my hotmail and msn. apparently it just blocked everyone. rawr!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

today feels weird. like my phone beeps more than usual. and i just know, people gonna come and go. i am getting used to it.
somehow, im anticipating 2359 when i am gonna text you "Happy Birthday!". i think this is pretty exciting, 'cos you most probably not gonna remember me. then i will be a blonde and reply something to escape. how expected! >:(
Monday, April 21, 2008
silence is not always golden. at least that's what my mum's daughter doesnt like about me. one morning, she cornered me up with questions about my priorities in life. and all i did was... no, i didnt speak a word. there are many reasons to it. or to sum it up, it is because we can never say "ok, i understand." urhuh, so... whats the point?
to add on, that was a sunday morning and i was rushing for work.
in the end, we exchanged lousy lines and got so agitated. that was how the horrible sunday started, angry tears and a big mess.
luckily, work was much better.
i seriously think i suck at time management. and ohyah, human relations too.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
virtual stalkerismha-ha-ha- i guess it is fun while it last. anything isnt healthy once it becomes an obsession. ogay, i am not an addict for that. at least i dont spot people in the public with their
links. heh, very amusing though. :D and just another update, i am too tied up with studies and work... for anything else now.
:( :( :( & bumbum. i want to eat i want to eat i want to eat i want to eat i want to eat i want to eat i want to eat i want to eat i want to eat i want to eat. so be it if i dump all my money in donuts, chocolates and ice cream. i want to eat!
seriously, maybe i have already found the one i want. but things have been the same for all these while... and maybe, should just be left the same.
like i can just speak all i want, do all i want... and even judge all i want. it is only sometime, sometime that i wish i really spoke or did just something to make a difference.i doubt you will even expect that coming. me neither.but just one thing for sure, im outta that capital
V. cheers.
Sunday, April 13, 2008

bored, bored-er, bored-est.
bohliao, bohliao-er, bohliao-est.yeah. like i should be totally occupied with my studies now... i am constantly bored by it. brother has been hogging the computer 24/7 with seriously loud *BOMB BOMB BOMB* sounds from his dota game. so, no internet stalking (very deprived), no online shopping... be it just window shopping. hey, and i just realise it is indeed window shopping, since we are hopping from window to window too! ha-ha-
not to say, i miss blogging ridiciously emo. ha-ha-ha- but i feel too ridiciuously bohliao to do so now.
i have this problem with food nowadays. i eat them ALL. plus, all i do whole day long is to bum around. but i cant wait to swallow that new mcdonald's breakfast tomorrow morning!
and another thing, i am not happy.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
oh man... i think this is gross. like how fast time is zooming by. just 16 more days to MAYDAY concert. and so is 28 days to 1st paper.
:( :( :(and i dreamt of you last night,
SXLC. it was a freaky scary nightmare! like you appeared to be so in help but you ended up strangling me. so w.t.f. but it is quite funny as i recalled now.
ha-ha!laoooooos, it is almost 1/3 of the year! how unfulfilling.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
besides busy
flying aeroplanes, i have been gossip-girl-ing, painting my nails red, redder, reddest.
or basically, good for nothing.
had J.CO donuts again. never enough. i really wanted to stuff that box of 12 in, but *damnit* they reminded me too much of my face. bimbo J just pointed out my disappearing cheekbones.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Shall stop blurting nonsensical stuffs. Theres karma, and what goes around, comes around. So, I can stop busy finding wood to touch, 'cos not like it is gonna help any bit.
I am neither blonde, nor retarded. "
Stop behaving like one then."
There is nothing to hide, it is so bloody obvious, my life stopped the moment I lost you. Till now, I am still trying to pick myself up to no avail.
Friday, April 04, 2008

we had fun ambushing the bday girl on a particular morning. making our way up the security-less condo and then right to her doorstep... which was already opened. but still, SURPRISE~ :D

... and then, i supposed good things come in a row. we decided to have a wedding dinner brunch. we especially like it because it is EAT ALL YOU CAN again. anyway, the blissful couple is you know who. O=)

i laughed so hard that i feel muscular at my cheeks again. it has been long since the 8 went out together, without books and all. i was glad we bloop-ed our night (and troubles) away(:

In your composition, make use of the points given below. You may reorder the points. You may also include other relevant points.
- what occasion might it be
- what were the people doing
- were they really gay
this picture is so in action. the boys were... giggling.
ohmytian. haha!