sing me another song
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
it is a small world afterall.
say it, or sing it. you just gotta agree with that.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WOMAN!you are sucha hilarious one that i cant stop laughing madly with. and at the same time, a mega-superduper sweetheart. -BIG HUG-
lubxXxXxXxx chewww~~~ (she just taught me that. haha!)
i finally realise why everything always go wrong without fail. 'cos i am a no.1 big paranoid. within another few days, i lost someone. yet, i know i would want to hold this friend back... but i dont know how. i think i deserve the scoldings. i messed everything up.
i need
ctrl+z. big time.
it feels like falling outta love.
...alrighty, kidding again. i think my life is a joke. im the creator.
give me another nickname~
Monday, January 28, 2008
monday is colour-coded...
blueeeeee~~~i woke up... hmm... (i dont know what i want to say)... but ya, i just dont feel like mouthing a single word to anyone. too much to be said, too messed up within. i feel so overflown.
but of cos, trust me, i am exaggerating. ha-ha-
cindeee babeee, i guess i need to talk to uuu.
for now, i feel a lil unwell and dizzy. i hope i fall sick now and never, not later please... because the big red CNY is coming. i dont want fellow bak-guasss and pineapple tartsss to feel lonely lying on the table.
so, *amitabha*
guaguagua- whens the last time i really did that man? so much so, i have unknowingly cultivated this habit of trying out clothes ONLY. and poor girlfriends have to accompany me back to those shops which i have finally decided to get some clothes from.
headed to youth park for funkamania. uhuh. dancers are so cooool. dope dope dope. (ehem, trying to use their lingo) and ya, anyway, the duper cute guy ('s team) won. HA HA. and of cos, steph's was really goooood(:
it was quite a crazy sunday filled with random-ness. not forgeting, i had a very serious laughing-fit 'cos of this very weird-accent-lady heng! someone ought to save chong and me that time! but still... -BIG HUG- :D
the day before yesterdaysweeet escapeee. a crazy one too.
that's all for now. i have 7 more hours to go before i can knock off. yes, im at work now. haaa.
i better recover, whichever.
Saturday, January 26, 2008

goodbye goodbye goodbye.
i am feeling very bad, and have this very bad feeling. forget it, please.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
i feel i should blog about my days. hrmm... i dont know why. gah :D
was still :D:D:D-ing about jielun's concert. lol, actually even up till now, if anyone were to ask me abt the concert, my face immediately lights up *DING* and i start blabbering. heh heh!
anyway, yaaa. that day was good 'cos i met up with boon and heng! heng makes the best boyfriend material. she drove and picked me up right at my house. whoopie. as much as iii lubxXxx herrr, she loves my height too. haha.
boon, the dumbdumb girl is so unresponsive to her phone that heng&me had to go and get her right at her doorstep! but nvm, iii still lubxXxx euuu.
i so adore twit lingo. ha-ha-
ok, back. we headed to NUS to catch heng's friend, steph in action for funkamania. but... we were late for her turn :( watched the video though, *thumbsss up*, and then, there were many cute boys groups! HAHA!

and after everything, we decided to do our all time fav activity - bingeing. was @ boonlay hawker for nasi lamak! :D but too bad the famous one isnt open. ha-ha-
workworkwork, and met up with my fav girls after that. had goody dinner & mega gossip session. yeah. *blows away monday blues(:*
:D :D :D
saw a beautiful moon on yesterday(:

Sunday, January 20, 2008
it is weekend again, babies!
today is so totally fun-packed, to da max!
TEH-HEH-HEH-HEH-HEH!as usual, i was late for my favourite lecture in the morning. (oh please, supermean, you better do something about your disability of arriving on time!) heh.
met up with chiang-ah-pek after lesson to head for SENTOSA! purely to give support to the well-deserved ones :D we dilly-dally, and finally reached CS' all-time-favourite-tanjong-beach. haha. i dont know why, but i was really exhilarated by the manymany familar faces again! plus, sunshine and the beach! it has been quite long since the last big gathering. and... like always, the very bimbotic side of me resurface. shant say much though. haha.
cheers to SRC-SPORTS! :D :D :D
my favourite people,

53xyback, chiang

my girls :D

and so, after cleaning up, and after the very dear comm-meal, i went for...
JIELUN's CONCERT. omg, i feel so much like a lucky bi*ch (like how hengheng would phrase it, HAHA!) 'cos machiam the ticket dropped from the sky.
manymany thanks to ahdi(:

yeah, i was very far away from the stage and these are the few pics from my badbad handphone cam. but anyway, the point is... the atmosphere is really
HIGHHIGHHIGH! i regret not dumping in money for the most expensive ticket, 'cos i certainly think it is gonna worth!
- jay sings his songs in tunes you may not hear before. so, lotsa surprises for that! :D
- you get to hear jielun talk alot. v amusing.
- there is always something to entertain you throughout the concert. no chance to spaceout!
- i think jielun can dance! it is the
seh he has, and basically he is
very seh throughout the concert laaaaaaa~
- he drummed and gu zhen-ed during his encores. ha-ha
- his voice and piano-playing is sooo... aaaaw... *melted*
above are random lines which i cant really organise. arrrr~~~
:D :D :D i cant stop grinning!!!
im getting so excited for the next one, WU YUE TIAN!!!
today is perfect (((:
very-hyped-up, supermean
Friday, January 18, 2008

haha. i know this is stupid, 'cos no one can see the diff in hair colour, and neither how my new wardrobe looks like!
i have a greaaat (very relaxed) day, with my girlfriends. bimbo-ed at lecture, over lunch, then around cck!
anyway, byebye yellow-dried hair! please dont come back again!
i dont know if the colour will last, or fade like a loser. but, i really like it being dark now! i feel too old to be a lian with highlighted hair anyway :D
the best thing is... my sweetest friend did it for me! thanks alot wanyan~~~ i really like this girl for being so xi xin and thoughtful, like always! -BIG HUG-
eh, and of cos, the second best thing is that, my dyed hair cost $8.90. haha!
my day ended well with a surprise for our cutest friend! wenbinbin! the poor girl sounded so duper depressed over the phone this afternoon, for she is sick & have to work, which made me really worried! (: but at the end of the day, all the talkings, and special delivery of honey drink + sushi, warm the heart alot, yeah?
how can life do without dearest friends? (:
BFF!, supermean
goodbye cindy
Tuesday, January 15, 2008


come and go...
come and go, come and go, come and go, comeee and gooooooo, come and go.
i can't seem to catch up with anyone. i know, i am never good at changes.
i feel so drained out. work, school, work, school, work work work, school school schooooooool. i dont even know where i am heading.
i need a hideout. for just about 10hours... and i think i will be alright. again.
anyway, byebye dearest friend,

it was fun while it last x)
i never know you are so right about that. it is really true. and i shouldnt have challenged. now, i feel so bad that im afraid i cant recover. i hope i stop wishing so hard... because nothing helps. you wont ****.
TADA, i am done with my emo post. -bums off- (actually nothing much to do with cindy, cos she is my happy lamp!)
my beautiful day
Sunday, January 13, 2008
heh. i have no idea why i gave sucha makeover to this dumbdumb blog.
anyway, i cant seem to fall asleep. so i shall idle around.
woke up by a beautiful voice, sat a beautiful test (which i was very lazy to complete), attended my favourite beautiful lecture, met up with 'beautiful' chiang for lunch, cut a very-not-beautiful hair, had a duper-beautiful nap!
and i was seriously excited for the later part of the day - spinsters meeting. the 5 of us (finally!) met up for dinner @ crystal jade. anyway, ahdi joined us, very random hur. and yea, i hope we didnt scare him. haha. and and and got to see ty and friend too(((:
as usual, we randomly pick our dishes, randomly talk, randomly laugh, randomly decide to go hengheng's house to cook+eat tangyuansss!

i played with the very lazy orea, aka, laozhabor.

hope is at top left, which i am still v scared of.
i had a beautiful day :D
together with that perfect-crescent moon (which looks like a carebear supposed to sit on, -by boonboon)
i still cant get to sleep anyway.
so i have another story to tell,

- i have lost that ear ring
- i no longer wear those chains, barang barang etc
- very soon after, something really bad happened
- i think i need to forget who's the photographer
i know this post is so unlike-me. haha. but still, it is as random.
and lastly...
i miss my abit-longer and alot-thicker hair,

i have no idea why i have to put 4 pictures of myself. haha.
ps. 19thjan08 is so gonna be a oh-so-happy day!
Friday, January 11, 2008
happy birthday cindy
Monday, January 07, 2008
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
i dont know who/what/where/when/how/why, but im happy happy

we forced a friend (who-happened-to-walk-by) to take a photo of the 8ofUS, all not looking at the cam. bah-hah!
tt day,
- long time no see (it has been few days!)
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNE (be it a surprise, or not =b)
- ate alot! (sakae buffet)
- sorry-ed for words coming from my mouth
- got to know a totallycool webbie (
- i still love the 8ofUS company(:

yep. i have been meeting this girl alotalotalot. and i am very happy (+ proud!) about it. like how she made laughing-madly and being cranky a norm.
so, dearest friend, HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY!
you are one very special friend of mine, whom i am very sure, will always and forever be :D
and and and. other someone. be it if the * element is there, or things are meant tt way. i am glad for the words and the concern.
heart-felt thanks to all who have cared!
anyway, still, i secretly wish that i didnt meet you 3 years ago. /runaway
up up up, supermean!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
so... haha...
hello much for a new start for the year. i am having a terrible headache now =( i screwed my work stuffs anw. -big sigh-
i feel sooooooo sorry to a person A, B, C and maybe D, but i dont know how to say im truly am.
1st day of the year was great spending time being a phone operator, dumbdumb-ing, bingeing with my favourite babes(:
lets all forget about un-neededs.
(though, seriously i still feel quite stuck at the bottom. help me.)
overloaded, supermean