Thursday, December 27, 2007
i feel so much older than my actual age. because of all the responsibilities i cant hide from.
as much as i want to grumble about work... i simply cant pull myself off to hang around with dearest friends, because i need the money for many things. in my life.
i think i am doing quite alot more.
other things aside, these few days have been CINDY-overdosed :D
and of cos, smiles-overstretched(((((((:
(i dont want people to come and go so fast, please...)
lovelovelove, supermean
Monday, December 24, 2007
the moon was so bright.
did you see it too?
Saturday, December 22, 2007
time is flying! pretty shocking. the year is coming to an end soon. it seems like yesterday how cali and me gave 2007 a theme as "The Lost World".
i feel so upbeat for this festive season. have been having fun all day long and i dont want to rest!
many things happened. i guess it is true that people come and go. i dont really remember what exactly happened to bring us there and then back to the same individual spots where we each stood alone.
i dont know when, but ive stopped looking whats in the future(: i am never good at creating one.
the week started off well with a VDJ3% meetup @ beloved viv place. yep, it is still as cosy. i can still remember how we used to stayover and celebrated birthdays in there. cheers for the friendship, babes!
caught warlord and made a big joke outta it. random scenes and classic lines! i am very sure that we arent the bunch who find the movie pretty hilarious. im glad src sports shared the same humour cos we laughed so hard together as a whole when we met up later in the night for xmas mgm!

i love this picture. very candid!
went to zouk for the first time on thursday. pagent contestants were hot, or at least they made us feel so. we had our fair share of fun cheering, sabotaging and doing all sorts of dumbdumb stuffs.
and of cos, the party afterwhich was even crazier.

supermean, carmen, jace
the only picture which i look sane enough.

everyone went crazy for cameras!

:D :D :D :D :D :D
heh. it was a crazy night. i bet no one remember how many twistsss they did for the night. (and i look so much like a roasted pig with a fullmoon face!)
scandalicious. /wink
lovelovelove, supermean
Monday, December 10, 2007
shall edit off wadeva i was trying to type previously.
i have been... well! was kept occupied with things here and there(:
keywords: kushinbo, hero, shopping, fangirl-ing, twisting, ENCHANTED. oh... lastly, job-hopped.
these few days are pretty interesting. (but i am lazy to type, plus, recall. -hmph-)
okay, about yesterday! met up with my favourite babes to catch ENCHANTED. for the 2nd time, we rushed for the movie again. had our packed dinner, again. have to thank wenbinbin for the patience to wait for us. seriously, you could have chose another day, time, people to watch with, but you are willing to rush with us (me)! and... we sat FIRST ROW. hohoho. it was enjoyable! LOL. anyway, i really like the show! haha :D
i guess it is the company i had too. i couldnt have been more thankful to have you two around (((:
walked (plus talktalktalk) around vivo after the movie. vivo's xmas decooo is nice!

(i glow-ed all my pictures)

bulbs are round, so is my face :D
i am well-fed @ office with all the xmas cupcake, logcakes, and all sorts of yummy stuffs. -twist-
it wouldnt be a white or pink christmas this year. i just wish for a bright and colourful one, with all the love and warmth, that are left... afterall.
if you think that wasnt hurting enough, you can try harder. but i just want to tell that there is no bottom to it. that was really cruel, and painful.
spread the love around! , supermean
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
worked like a cow today. (and quite a lost sheep too. boo.)
exchanged words with cindy babe (((:
movie-d with binbin and yanyan (((((((((((:
so, wednesday shall be good.
(and i shall buy 4D... -amitabha-)
i remember, jiamin
Monday, December 03, 2007
i am happy
i am happy
i am happy
i am happy
i am happy
i am happy
i am happy
i am happy
i am happy
i am happy
i am happy
i am happy
i am happy
i am happy
i am happy
i am happy
i am happy
i am happy
i am happy
i am happy
i am happy
i am happy
x 9845876345871805643
i got too tired after typing that for a few lines,
so i ctrl+c and ctrl+v.
and that got me tired after 3secs,
so i multiply it with some random numbers.
nothing is that easy.
not even lying.
24/7, supermean
light hearted
Sunday, December 02, 2007
i am feeling VERY awake! so i guess i should be doing my tutorialsss later. I AM SUCHA LAGGER. -shakeshead-
anyway... holiday for manymany people again. i can start meeting up with my favourites (((: and cindysoh baybeh is coming to town!

birthday boy to the right :D im glad the 3 found each other! (though they like to tou-chi behind each other's sexyback.)

about the place. about how i label the day "first lost".
bottledup, supermean
Saturday, December 01, 2007
i feel rather messed up. like how i never fail to mess up my life. wrong decisions. wrong mentality. a very wrong mistake. wrong corrections. wrong reflections. wrong being wrong.
poured my emotions out to closed ones again.
many times, i just dont feel like mouthing a word. too much of a pain to tell. yet, i didnt want to cry alone.
that reminds me of someone who wouldnt ask "why?", someone who watch me cry,
someone who is too far away, now.
forget it.


for my cindy(: HEH!

i didnt know this cheersss!(:

red xmas :D

i guess i still love myself. quite alot. HOHOHO! =b (seriously, 3-8!)
merry merry, supermean