Saturday, September 29, 2007
(duper small fonts.)
杨丞琳 - 左边
总是 忍不住寂寞掉下眼泪 你才会给安慰
担心 短暂的晴天随时都可能 被阴狸收回
等待 有机会最坏也最甜美 我乐观却疲惫
因为 太怕失去你所以连快乐里 都装满伤悲
你不曾发觉 你总是用右手
牵着我 但是心却跳动 在左边
你和我之间的遥远 永远隔着亲切 爱少的可怜
伸出右手 想陪着你 向前走 感受 你爱我的心跳在左边
那么深深爱你的我 相信你 会了解
总在 埋怨过你的冷漠之后 又急着说抱歉
仿佛 向疏远的你乞求一点体贴 都是我不对
结果 有可能最美也最可悲 我做好了准备
也许 太自由的你心里面那个家 谁也不能回
你不曾发觉 你总是用右手
牵着我 但是心却跳动 在左边
你和我之间 的遥远 永远隔着亲切 爱少的可怜
伸出右手 想陪着你 向前走 感受 你爱我的心跳在左边
那么深深爱你的我 相信你 会了解
我一直相信 总有一天
你会用左手 牵着我走向明天
未来很遥远 却会实现心在同一边 就能够 听见
你说的那句 我爱你
你不曾发觉 你总是用右手
牵着我 但是心却跳动 在左边
你和我之间 的遥远 永远隔着亲切 爱少的可怜
伸出右手 想陪着你 向前走 感受 你爱我的心跳在左边
那么深深爱你的我 你一定 看的见
k-ed with old babes(: this song sounds somehow old school. the problem is... i still have difficulty differentiating the word 右 and 左! but yep. i guess it is much better now with the help of this song. ('cos at least i know that heart beats on the left)
habits. i once know about bitter and jamming. she is used to carry her bag to her left and have him by her right. that works opposite for him then. such difference clicked perfectly well. perhaps, that is the only thing. but nobody realised it because it is not important at all.
who need memories when i can get forever.
you wrote, explained, suggested and asked. i really wanted to say yes. but again, you may not mean your words... and i dont even know if i meant mine. for now, i just know i will remember all you have said... because i couldnt forget any bit of you.
breaking off
Friday, September 28, 2007
i used to think that breaking up is devastating enough. like how it crashes people's world. but actually, now i think, breaking up and not feeling a thing... is hundred and one times more pathetic.
that was from my sis(;
i look so silly hanging that smile on my fat round face.
all because of the innocence in life.
love, supermean
mid autumn fest
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
oh my ma ma. i have been falling into deep sleep everywhere. i cant shut my eyes for more than 5 seconds, or i will... doz e ... zz z(-. -Z)
like seriously, im levelling up.
i am really tired. i should go to bed instead of blabbering stuffs here. like how i always think it makes completely no sense for someone to complain lacking sleep when him/her hog onto the internet till
but... i just want to say that... though i am tired, i dont wish to give any of my current responsibilities up. not that i have great/important role(s) in life, or other people's lives. i just think that i should make myself more... useful.
today is mid-autumn festival. it used to be just an occasion to gorge mooncakes. but ive long forgotten that it is also a time... to light lousy candles, look stupid with lanterns, get noisy with sparkles, BURN GRASS LA! and of cos, other than silly acts, this traditional festival really warms the heart as it brings family and friends together and spend quality time.
cant really think of any other traditional occasion which works as well... everyone is more or less way too concern with
moolah during chinese new year which makes gathering a little... -sighs-.
but still, today is just another day(:
met bro with his girlfriend, charlene junior and friend, on mrt train today. that reminds me of how a very smart friend of mine once calculated the probablity of bumping onto someone you know in a particular day, using the possible number of trains, carriages, timing, and blarhblarhblarh, you could have taken.
and of cos, for someone as blind as me, you will have to appear right in front of my eyes, and wave please / speak right into my ears.
however, perhaps, we have all thought about how to react when we meet coincidences. it is like at the back of our minds, of whether we should go forward, or back. like i have always wish/pray very hard that i will not face that
situation ever (never ever), but if i will have to... i am sure enough, i would turn and walk away as fast as my legs could take me. at least till this point of time, i think i am still very much very weak at that
and i hope you will do the same.
these few days, i feel loser-ish. and this includes what i have just said... which i think is going to leave everyone clueless. -HAH HAH- :b
bad bad blogger, supermean
i wish i dont
Sunday, September 23, 2007
it was a busy week. way too different from the slacker life i had for months... *pull up socks*
learnt and played ultimate frisbee on saturday and was sunbaked. all thanks to the after event session and 100% aloe vera gel, im
chilled~ that day was enjoyable. i hope i will stop shooting arrows though. hah hah.
and oh ya, i caught beautiful fireworks on the way home. -beams-
did shoots for WS event promo today. it was funny! and i hope the complete production will turn out to be as great.
i have almost forgotten how much i love the empty sky.

always in pair(s), never alone.
i... dont care, supermean
Thursday, September 20, 2007
i am not a happy girl today.
1. wore pyjamas to school which mum desperately tried to get me out of it, but no avail.
2. was in school (single building) for more than 12 hours. :(((
3. had a soured lunch.
4. laughed too much during lunch.
5. pms in action. (hate to admit this)
6. whined =/
7. ... was in school for more than 12 hours...
8. going school in less than
10 9 8 hours.
9. phobia for
'the next day'oh ya, and i lied to a teacher today.
bless me, supermean
take note!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
i have alot to tell myself. i think i am starting to lose myself again. i dont like the words coming outta my mouth. i ought to think alot more before i speak. i sound ridiculous... and foul. =/
treat others the way you want to be treated.
(reminder to self)
(bobo, i will do tt weird quiz soon. another time :b)
LOL! absolute insanity 0=)
i love acting silly... together, supermean
rain rain, go away
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
got to pick up the tempo again. i dont wish to find myself so incapable... of handling my life. like i know i shouldnt be feeling so tired/affected/weary/sick because of what i am doing or is happening. i guess i have to remind myself to stay low to be safe; just be quiet and walk on!
but just one thing i have to say!
i am glad for all the happy lamps that are blinking around me:D
though at times, i really detest/fear ups, for the next are downs. but life is a saddist game which we just have to learn to make the best out of the worst. appreciate.
not everyone can see the rain
but i felt it, supermean
at work
Monday, September 17, 2007
it is either time has been really ticking fast away... or i have sneezed my whole morning away. I NEED FLU TABLET PLEASEEE~~~ and then nua on my bed. at time like this, i would gladly float ard my house, looking pale and ghostly, with duper messy hair and stucking tissues up my leaky nose. boo boo BOO. i want to go home!
BLARH! but i am stuck in the office. kindof forced to spread my virus around :b
anyway, i think i have retarded mental. whenever i am at work, i wish i am in some lecture instead! but when i am really sitting in lecture, i sleep through... urhuh. then i dream about money and earning for all i want, which meant... i have/want to work ~(/* .*)/
well well, for now, i only want my nose to calm down and stop feeling irritated. amitabha!
ziyanziyu~, supermean
Sunday, September 16, 2007
i like it when i know i am still breathing.
i like it when i am still meeting up with old friends.
i like it when i know i am being cared for.
i like it when i know i am being looked after.
i like it when luck is shining on me.
i like it when i find myself working hard for what i want.
i like it when i know i am feeling happy(:
had fun roaming around school with funny people, starting conversations with strangers school mates. i like student week, it makes SIM a much warmer place(:
attended this corporate law unit lesson in the morning, which i think is the most interesting one among all. cool stuff~ better work hard to score well then. haha! (ps, i am not supposed to choose this unit in year one la. but i didnt know... and dont know! amitabha~)
caught I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry at night. pretty hilarious movie, with gay laughters roaring everywhere in the theater. HEH :D
"... it is like a circle... you know? circle... no ending. not triangle, with the 3... ... circle, no ending"

i love it when clouds are coloured.
dont you?, supermean
new look!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
!@#$%^&*( the song i uploaded for my blog is not loading properly! >=/
my baobei maydayyy~~~
*pokes top right hand corner of comp screen*
i am supermean(;
you called
Friday, September 14, 2007
just when my bank is going dry and my atm card is gonna crack... I SEE MONEY DROPPING FROM THE SKY!
sheesh. not exactly. i just have to work, earn... and study at the same time now. a very random job opportunity came which is a total surprise. (but not totally pleasant :b)
for something like that, it makes me feel that i am constantly being looked after(: lucky girl yea? *twist*
anyway, i really have serious split personalities. omg. HAHA!
shall go into that next time. till then... TATA!
i love phonecalls(:, supermean
look away
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
heyhey. i was made a fool again. seriously, i should learn my lesson, yea? but again, i dont mind anything, except misunderstanding. so, please dont.
my heart is calm like dead sea.
*sticktongueout*caught a couple of good movies recently. found myself tapping my feet away during
hairspray. love it being upbeat... and yea, 60's... ar~ old school! :D and seriously, zac efron's blue eyes! i like that
link image so much can?! totally electrifying. LOL. i cant quite believe i just typed those.
hmm. and also tt rat cartoon. it was surprisingly good. i was lured to it by all the excessive trailers everywhere. yep, worth the watch!
ANYONE CAN COOK. and yeah, anyone can do... anything and everything! :D and yes, there is this really (duper funny!) animation clip before the movie,
Lifted. seriously good! so dont miss it~~~
wa wa tou, supermean
blown away
i realise i really like to be drove around. slowly down quiet roads... where there are only orange lights and buildings. it feels good to be at the front seat somehow, seeing everything right infront.
though, at times, zooming engine sounds, mild speeding and sharp turns are quite exciting, but my heart cant take it. it makes me weak.
silent, supermean
happy days
Monday, September 10, 2007
im nickname-d
miss (overly) happy. not a surprise since i seem to be always high on drugs and jump around among people.
but i realise... i am increasingly not taking my own words seriously. i am shock at those words from my mouth most of the time. good and bad. i dont know.
i think i am getting split personalities! LOL:D
anyway, PLEASE DONT get irritated by your own hair. cos you never know...
HEE HEE. but i am so happy with my (duper a
cm) retarded hair. *twist*
grin, supermean
bring it on!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
arrr... KRUMPING! ARRR~~~ damn nice. love (watching) this sortof aggressive and enegetic dance. arrr~~~ (if only if only IF ONLY i can dance, i will kiss myself all over. HAHA)
random; i miss behaving like superstar in ktv sessions. HAHA!
mask on, supermean
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
i love my gut feeling.
i was busy laughing away in front of the tv when i suddenly jumped up from my seat and rushed to window to pull in my bamboo of clothes. no idea why i had this spark of siao + kan chiong ness. the sky was still relatively bright for evening time. even had a quarrel with mamae because of my sudden, un needed clumsy act, yet i insisted.
so yep, halfway through her shouts, a HUGEEE downpour came.
i was saved from screamings, same goes to my clothes, they were saved!
random; (sth from tv now) female bodybuilders look damn damn damn scary can?! those duper professional ones with copper coloured skin. oh my goodness...
6th-sense-r, supermean
think, thought, but please confirm
Monday, September 03, 2007
i really wonder how can a person's appearance differ so much from his/her character. a very good example will be that gary wong. he looks like a kong long, regardless from right, left, top and bottom, yet he behaves so much like a mouse. HAHA :b (heh! a very nice mouse) and yea, think i have found someone of your same species. except he is a little fitter. haha~~~
so, never judge a book by its cover.
(but yea. i have certain fetish for those por por lan lan books at the library :D)
and a funny line i've heard recent,
never gague the boobs by its bra.
worth a laugh ;), supermean
(ah-Mei's songs are so damn good! :)
Saturday, September 01, 2007
on the train; random
veron: hmm, you want to go melacca?
supermean: eh? why? it is so far...
veron: ar? far?
supermean: ya... those hk dramas always show one. eh... ao... 澳門 right? -beams-
veron: ... (-. -)
no wonder i heard sudden choking sounds behind me then. that guy behind me was trying so hard to stop himself from laughing.
anyway, months of screwed up face recovered within 1 week of medication. im so so SO damn glad. but still, more maintainence to be done. cant wait to let my face go naked! -grin-
i am much luckier, in alot of ways.
fly skywards, supermean