bring me up the sky.
Thursday, July 26, 2007

(i know the timing isnt impressive!!! but still *sticktongueout*)
after many (manymanymany) sessions of minesweep-ing during work, together with countless violent slammings of the poor mouse and stampings of my pig trotter... ... ...i finally conquer it!
... hmm... also, today marks the last day of me being a (strong) career woman. so, i cant
yang any fellow
xiao bai liansss anymore~ -weeps- =/ (like as if there is any in the first place hur? duh.)
i have learnt alot in this job. leaving aside the skills and knowledge gained in some softwares, which have created some common topics with someone i yearned to talk to (sadly, not enough, and not applicable now), the experience to work as a team and the art of communicating well are even more valuable.
urrrrrggeeeee~~~~~ my high pay laaaaa~~~~~ -weepsweeps- O(u.u)o
ok, shall shut myself off for now.
but thoughts are screaming so loud within me.
-2 more days to short escape- *shakeshakeshake*
endless fight
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

i feel quite totally spastic to paint rubbish on pictures. and before that, smile into the cam like a bobo.
-laughs- but editting pictures are still fun. haha.
and obviously, it is getting increasingly tiring to keep up with i have been doing. i wish to sleep on the smiley curve instead.
i will work doubly triply (and that makes up x6!) this time round. and i want to be good and everything nice, in which-ever role i have in life. whatever it takes... i want to make it there this time round. 7-letters word, beginning with the capital S.
i feel like what i have been trying hard and striving at... is just to make you ______ for not stopping with me when i need a rest. even if it merely pinch your heart a little, i think it is going to worth it.
but of cos, it feels good to be good. it is for my own good.
(body is screwed. i seriously feel fat. so, i am not eating.)
-put on a cap
& hide behind oversized sunglasses
& crawl back into the duper big bah-
money do wonders
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

help help! my head is falling everywhere~
thankfully, all the msn chats made work much more bearable[:
and i realise i have yet to take a break from my work ever since... i started. (except for the trip where i got to wear the Burberry coat *hiak*) i dont think i deserve any rest anyway...
but, ive planned a short escape.
-continue to hide behind my oversized sunglasses
& crawl back into mybig ah mah bag-
laugh out loud please
Monday, July 23, 2007
iiiii ammmmm suchaaaaa majorrrrr sleepyyyyy headdddd !!!!!
zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz ~~~~~
qrange dais
y is right... about the adjustment disorder.
and i am right about you. how not surprising.
-crawling back into my big ah mah bag to hide-
today kills.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
exactly 1 year ago, you turned and walked away. you were shining (with fame) then.
you found a sweetheart 23 days later.
i know i am digging my own grave.
and i hate myself, for being that unattractive
Friday, July 20, 2007
omg. the nerve under my teeth hurts terribly much.
plus... body is screwed screwed screwed.
all you need to get away from all those pains/illness are money and luck. which im falling short of, and very far off.
and i realise it isnt difficult to tell a secret. just leave it with someone who doesnt care, who doesnt give a damn about you. it will be safe.
i feel painful, throughout.
i waved.
Monday, July 16, 2007

found this somewhere at vivocity(:
i have no idea how long do people take to realise what they have been doing are wrong... all along. probably never, or i dont know. but for me, i just know i am wrong all along.
i cant bring in concrete evidence. it is too much of a pain to tell.
i am that sort of irritating blogger who love to type a 1 or few (emo) lines to leave my readers full of questions, or those who cared to worry. i dont blog down event... neither do i have anything much to share. shamelessly, i only want people to read, or maybe to know that im not exactly feeling good.
i have my brain and heart to tell me all. i dont need a blog to tell me that i wore red tanktop, grey jacket, black shorts to airport to see dearest wenbinbin off few months ago. i dont need a blog to tell me how glad i watched his game that day and we rushed off to the airport together in a cab. i dont need a blog to tell me how we lame-ly suggested supper to hint that we needed transport home from the airport. i dont need a blog to tell me all about that single night at the airport, yet i can still remember that... and everything else.
now, dearest wenbinbin is back. welcome home:D
i guess things are alright as long i know the someone, who used to wear the same crocs slippers, who knew how to play the laughing game, who could hug till the lift hits 10, is well and good. in any sense, i was the one who hide. but you didnt want to be the catcher, and you didnt seek.
so, i cannot appear.

a little pain
Friday, July 13, 2007

(cartoon image:
雨 不停落下来
花 怎么都不开
我一个人 欣赏悲哀
爱 只剩下无奈
我 一直不愿再去猜
缺了一块 就不精采
say goodbye
say goodbye
心 有一句感慨
我 还能够跟谁对白
那些片段 还在不在
his voice made me cry real hard.
i have been...
Thursday, July 12, 2007
ison break-ing, shopaholic-ing, jap-ing, prison break-ing, dancing, prison break-ing, bleach-ing, ta
maki-ing, prison break-
sly, i can ge
t really excited over Prison Break and Bleac
h. \(* ^ *)/ *shak
another excitment...

CHIAKI SENPAI from Nodame Cantabile. he is sucha charm(;
anyway, i want to be...
RAMEN-ing, half-price-cake-ing, salmon-ing, wildwildwet-ing, cycling (something sounds normal at la
st). yea. i want to ride so fast tha
t the wind blows me off!
...missing; like always.
Monday, July 09, 2007
she bawls her eyes out, but when you finally hear her stop, you see her smiling to herself.
too much to bear. i cant take it either.
i... i... i really cant forget.
or maybe i can drop my head and take a bow. then i tell you my name and you tell me yours. it is that simple...
but life isnt.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
try catching this date 100 years later. most probably the Earth will look nothing like its present state. no, it is more likely that none of us will make it there.
NANA DAYnananananananananananananana~~~~~~~i think MAYDAY rocks more though \m/
slap me. why do i still remember your exact words. "nvm, theres still 050555".ok. i am tired.
lost in smoke.
Monday, July 02, 2007
cartoon credit to:
smoking... is also an act of suiciding. didnt you realise?
tell me how do you want to cherish life? like this? all i see are irresponsible actions, everyone sounds so totally not convincing. and i wish i am not one of them.
but i am starting to feel ashame of myself.
i really want to help, yet i dont wish to show i care.
i cant lie.
my head is spinning so badly. i suck.
can you please quit? i beg.
(few months ago, i kept trying to sing that cantonese song. now, i feel squashed whenever my player hits that song. i have failed. like always. and i know you are with her.)