empty out
Sunday, February 25, 2007
i watched this japanese show on scv once. each episode features a few short stories, which are totally bizarre and abstract. yet, at the same time, they speak alot of life and human behaviours.
i caught the show so randomly. i was just lazing on my sofa and about to fall asleep. in fact i was half conscious throughout the whole show. but there is this story which still managed to leave quite a bit of impression in my mind.
what if companionship is made into a product? and the instructions are, 1. open up the can, 2. pour the content into a tub of hot water, 3. wait for 15 minutes patiently for him/her to appear 4. give he/she clothes, 5. spend days together. thats how easy to satisfy a lonely soul?
lets say, i want a man.
day after day, you get to live and experience everyday's life with him. had fun down the street, out in the sun, laughing and nudging in the world of two, where time is almost infinite. you are almost so used to have him around, breathing together, building warmth. you never want to let go.
but little did you know, you are missing out something big. take a closer look at the label on the can.
ps: check for the expiry date on productyou looked while he changed into a new set of clothes you have specially prepared for him. the black ink is clearly printed at the side of his waist; the date. it brings you back to think of the issue - time. the date is nearing, the date is nearing. every minute, every second, you are losing him. helpless, isnt it?
do we all have an expiry date attached?
yes, look closer... there is also one at your waist. didnt you realise?
maybe we are all 'products' of companionship.
we all have to disappear someday. time is adds value... but no one notices the expiry date, even if so, humans dont react. simply because, we do not appreciate things until we lost it.
it scared me to know how little words we are able to exchange.
i cant help it... but why?
Thursday, February 22, 2007
a very good rule to rule your life
take it easy!
oh yea baby.
(but that is when you know how hard things gonna be on you)
it feels different
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
i cant believe my ears are red hot and i am shivering at the same time.
it is not that i am sick.
do you know how truth/reality can really hit someone so badly?
im too worried for everything.
keep walking>>>
Saturday, February 17, 2007
chinese new year tomorrow and that makes today chu xi.
i am always looking at new start for some hope for changes. it is like some good ocassion/chance for excuses to be made, like... "oh, i will change *some stupid habit* of me in the pig year!"and blah. it brings too much hopes.
an excuse to spurge too. shopping maddness. everyone is way too concern to beautify themselves. what a boost to the economy.
oh yep. anyway. i have been jobless for a week and nah, not looking around for one. i dont know what im thinking. somehow, i dont see the need to earn and i really appreciate the free time i have now. one word to sum it up; lazybum.
i am blogging very randomly. there is this very crazy girl whom i dont like. please go away ='( i feel like doing something to make me feel better off but no, i will tape my mouth and tie my hands. i will not react. keep my cool and pray hard...
sheesh =/
sigh. have you tried to silence yourself so much that you really felt the difficulty in breathing? cny... it is for everyone to get really cheery~ and ya, like what ive said, bring new hopes.
that is why you know you cant afford create any trouble/problem for others.
what if you found something worrying about your physical but you cant tell anyone. at least not in this kindof festive season. there isnt only one issue... there is still another one which i have not told you about. and i think there is a need to do something about it. i dont know. i need a doctor.
choi. but what if something happened to your partner... will you stay right through with him/her? like what if she becomes blind or lame one day? will you still be there? or get another one of your liking?
guess no one wants a burden. it is kindof saddening to know how cruel reality is. imagine some mishap happen to you, it is already bad enough. but the consequence attached is even heavier. losing people, who arent blood-related to you. ya, they just dont have the responsibility to take care of you and so they can choose to leave.
somehow. maybe a relationship means having trust in your partner that he/she will stay the way you like her/him to be.
any changes... people leave.
i hope i will be alright.
let me indulge in some hopes and wishes for the coming new year 0=)
Friday, February 16, 2007
we missed the previous but i have you for the present. i am glad they are still you and me in the picture. i wish there are still many ocassions to go, with you.
baby, thanks for creating much memories.
like... why?
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
im really freaked out...
by the girls.
things happened because they are novelties...
which ended. right?
i cant believe myself
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
oh wait.
those were illusions again.
Monday, February 12, 2007

staying by your side and in your heart.
that is all i want.
tell me all the moments are true.
lovely weekends.
my smiles cant even tell it all.
it has been a long way. never easy.
but at least i see joy coming in the way.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
i have no idea what makes the world such a cruel place to live in. after today, i am just glad that im a day nearer to my deathbed.
breathe hard enough. cos u never know when u are going to gasp for the non existent air.
try it. the dark can actually suffocate.
Friday, February 09, 2007
last post using this office comp.
confession to make: i slept half an hour at my seat after lunch.
told ya. this job is really great~ but time for goodbye. whee!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
i have nothing much to say.
i love bitter. so the very much. like always.
it wasnt just an nightmare
im shivering in my seat.
i suddenly recalled alot.
i cant believe why im still here.
woo man (;
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
我的妈啊~ moolah is flying (away) man.
shall not let my pretty (ugly) atm card see the light... that often.
haha :D
i am just a lil happy 'cos i dont feel poor.
nah, never rich.
the only reason why i dont like weekdays is because of the absence of bitter litter.
simple, yet i know i truly want to be independent.
bitter and mint
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

that was the date for yesterday which i absolutely adore and love.
to add on to the lonely zero five, it has been two six. please let the number continues to run.
i wish my thoughts were lame enough. just so that they wouldnt be able to run wild. (haha)
Monday, February 05, 2007
sugary weekend flashed by. had much fun seeing you and being me. nudging and laughing. in times like this, i really believe there is something called
our own world in 4th dimension. indescribable. it has been long since this kind of feeling lifted me up
once again.
i remember i whined a little about monday. it isnt about work and neither anything else. it is because of the unknown which i am not even sure of.
but there is still this amazing five letter word, starting with T.
heyhey! at this very moment. im like a crazy woman. dress like one. act like one. sound like one. eh... type like one. and ya. scratch head like one. i walked around in the office like some lonely old woman... hunched a little and dragged my floppy slippers. basically, looking crazily lazy. like a living begger for something to do.
well well. it is a brand new week with everything awaits. i am still learning how to be excited about everyday and not dreading... it is like sucha dreadful attitude. hah. staying alive is one thing, living life is another. will always remember that.
i am looking forward to everything after my work. even if im going straight home.
friends, i need a meetup.
you, ya, i need you.
and that spells love
Thursday, February 01, 2007
the song just keeps repeating...
五月天; 回来吧
bitter sweet
unexpected event comes in two forms; shock or surprise.
either of them hits you when you are most unaware, unarmed, unprepared. i dont like the feeling of being caught right there. though one makes you over the moon, another one just makes you feel like getting the hell out of this universe.
if i could pull myself outta these uncertainties crap, i would rather sacrifice all the dreamy surprises to save myself from the shocks of my life.
say say nia~ im still very hopeful of all sorts of surprises. wakaka:D i guess the key thing is just to
take everything easy man~humans are very contradictory and confusing creatures. we hope and wish too hard. like
money please drop from the sky~ but so even if,
surprisingly, really a few coins hitted them hard on their head, they just take them for granted. it is such a unknowing sin which we all commit. thing increases its value only when it is lost. painful regrets.
i had a pleasant surprise at workplace today:D